Truths and Myths about Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual cramps are a constant headache for many women. Therefore, there are many true and false beliefs about colic remedies. We talked about what is true and what is a lie about menstrual cramps.
1. Menstrual cramps are a disease
It is not a disease but a common symptom of menstruation. Therefore, there is no cure, and other treatment. The cramps occur because during the woman's body increases the production of prostaglandins. These substances cause the uterus to contract to expel the menstrual-content layer of the uterus (endometrium) that is prepared to receive the fertilized egg-case to the outside.
2. Hot water bottles help relieve cramping pain
It is in a great truth. Heat treatment Heat bags helps relieve menstrual pain. It is a fact proven by women who have tried.Bathe and wash your hair can aggravate menstrual cramps
3. Another wrong statement about menstruation. There is no link between colic and other activities of everyday life. The problem is that the faith of some women that happens, just be true. Better to forget this legend.
4. Contraceptive use reduces the frequency of menstrual cramps
This is a global truth. Some women may feel better or absence of cramping during menstruation when taking the pill. Contraceptives reduce the flow of menstrual blood and less blood with fewer contractions and reduce pain.
5. Analgesics eliminate menstrual cramps
Analgesics may relieve pain temporarily, but will not stop cramping. It may also be useful in combating other symptoms such as headaches. But for colic, the most recommended are the NSAIDs, eg ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac and aspirin. Please forget about self-medication and medication before, talking to your doctor. The medicine goes for your friend may be very bad for you.
6. Traditional remedies against menstrual cramps
Traditional remedies are myth and truth at a time. Take chamomile and valerian, seem to have some theoretical basis because they are muscle relaxants, which would alleviate the contraction of the uterus, but no decrease in dysmenorrhea pain.
7. Women who have gone through a pregnancy cramping feel less
A great truth about colic in the rule. The uterus undergoes change in size during pregnancy. With the increase of the uterus, blood flow and uterine contractions also suffer great changes and, consequently, can reduce the pain of colic.
8. Abdominal cramps and premenstrual tension are the same
It is common and incorrect statement. Colic is the pain that comes and goes, is not continuous. Some women still confuse the symptoms of premenstrual tension - such as breast pain, heavy legs, headaches, among others - with colic. These symptoms may appear 15 to 10 days before menstruation, not only during bleeding, such as colic.
9. Certain foods may increase the cramping in the rule
This is sillier. No food that may influence the increase or decrease in the frequency of menstrual cramps.

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