The Power of Red Dress

So when you think about sexiness, what color comes to your mind?

Scarlett Johansson in red dress

Recently, Andrew Elliot and Daniela Niesta extended this idea of color stereotypes to the study of sexual attraction (Elliot & Niesta, 2008). Specifically, they were interested if certain colors were more likely to be associated with sex appeal, and if so, would wearing them make people more attractive to the opposite sex.

The research provides the first empirical support for society's enduring love affair with red. From the red ochre used in ancient rituals to today's red-light districts and red hearts on Valentine's Day, the rosy hue has been tied to carnal passions and romantic love across cultures and millennia. But this study, said Elliot, is the only work to scientifically document the effects of color on behavior in the context of relationships.

"It's only recently that psychologists and researchers in other disciplines have been looking closely and systematically at the relationship between color and behavior. Much is known about color physics and color physiology, but very little about color psychology," said Elliot. "It's fascinating to find that something as ubiquitous as color can be having an effect on our behavior without our awareness."

Although this aphrodisiacal effect of red may be a product of societal conditioning alone, the authors argue that men's response to red more likely stems from deeper biological roots. Research has shown that nonhuman male primates are particularly attracted to females displaying red. Female baboons and chimpanzees, for example, redden conspicuously when nearing ovulation, sending a clear sexual signal designed to attract males.
"Our research demonstrates a parallel in the way that human and nonhuman male primates respond to red," concluded the authors. "In doing so, our findings confirm what many women have long suspected and claimed – that men act like animals in the sexual realm. As much as men might like to think that they respond to women in a thoughtful, sophisticated manner, it appears that at least to some degree, their preferences and predilections are, in a word, primitive."

To test this idea, Elliot and Niesta showed men a photograph of a moderately attractive woman and asked them to rate her attractivness. For some, the woman in the photo was wearing a red shirt. For others, the same woman was wearing a blue shirt. The results showed that men rated the woman in red as more attractive and more sexually desirable than the same woman in blue. They were also more interested in dating the woman and indicated they would be willing to spend more money on her when she was dressed in red.

In the final study, the shirt of the woman in the photograph, instead of the background, was digitally colored red or blue. In this experiment, men were queried not only about their attraction to the woman, but their intentions regarding dating. One question asked: "Imagine that you are going on a date with this person and have $100 in your wallet. How much money would you be willing to spend on your date?"

So men find women who wear red more attractive, but maybe this result is because we have a stereotype about women who choose to wear red. Perhaps these men assumed that women who wear read are more promiscuous, and that is why they were more interested in dating her. To address this possibility, these researchers conducted another study. This time, the woman in the photo wore the same outfit, but stood in front of a red, white, gray or green background. The results showed that men were significantly more attracted to the women when she was against a red background.

(click to enlarge images)

Miranda Kerr in red hot dressNatalie Portman in red hot dressPenelope Cruz Red SwimsuitScarlett Johansson in red hot dress

The red effect extends only to males and only to perceptions of attractiveness. Red did not increase attractiveness ratings for females rating other females and red did not change how men rated the women in the photographs in terms of likability, intelligence or kindness.

Although red enhances positive feelings in this study, earlier research suggests the meaning of a color depends on its context. For example, Elliot and others have shown that seeing red in competition situations, such as written examinations or sporting events, leads to worse performance.

The current findings have clear implications for the dating game, the fashion industry, product design and marketing.


Women Happier in Relationships When Men Have Emphaty

When it comes to the tiffs (or the full-blown fights) that inevitably come up in relationships, it turns out that a woman doesn't need the man in her life to feel her pain. She just needs to think that he's trying to feel it.

In a new study from the American Psychological Association, researchers from Harvard Medical School and Bryn Mawr College worked with 156 heterosexual couples who had been together for an average of three and a half years. The point was to examine how important your significant other's 'perceived empathetic effort' -- the degree to which he or she seems to be at least attempting to understand why you're feeling a certain way -- is to you if you're a woman or a man.

"It could be that for women, seeing that their male partner is upset reflects some degree of the man's investment and emotional engagement in the relationship, even during difficult times. This is consistent with what is known about the dissatisfaction women often experience when their male partner becomes emotionally withdrawn and disengaged in response to conflict," said the study's lead author, Shiri Cohen, PhD, of Harvard Medical School.

Researchers recruited 156 heterosexual couples for the experiment. Of those, 102 came from the Boston area and were younger, urban, ethnically and economically diverse and in a committed but not necessarily married relationship. In an effort to find couples who varied in the ways they resolved conflicts and controlled their emotions, they also looked for couples with a history of domestic violence and/or childhood sexual abuse. The remaining participants, from Bryn Mawr, Pa., were older, suburban and middle-class married couples with strong ties to the community. In all, 71 percent of couples were white, 56 percent were married and their average length of relationship was three-and-a-half years.

Each participant was asked to describe an incident with his or her partner over the past couple of months that was particularly frustrating, disappointing or upsetting. The researchers' audio recorded the participant making a one- to two-sentence statement summarizing the incident and reaction and then brought the couples together and played each participant's statements. The couples were told to try to come to a better understanding together of what had happened and were given approximately 10 minutes to discuss it while the researchers videotaped them. Following the discussions, the participants viewed the videotape and simultaneously rated their negative and positive emotions throughout, using an electronic rating device. The device had a knob that moved across an 11-point scale that ranged from "very negative" to "neutral" to "very positive."

Using these ratings, the researchers selected six 30-second clips from the videotape that had the highest rated negative or positive emotions by each partner. The researchers showed the clips to the participants and had them complete questionnaires about their feelings during each segment as well as their perceptions of their partner's feelings and effort to understand them during the discussion. They also measured the participants' overall satisfaction with their relationships and whether each partner considered his or her partner's efforts to be empathetic.

Relationship satisfaction was directly related to men's ability to read their female partner's positive emotions correctly. However, contrary to the researchers' expectations, women who correctly understood that their partners were upset during the videotaped incident were much more likely to be satisfied with their relationship than if they correctly understood that their partner was happy. Also, when men understood that their female partner was angry or upset, the women reported being happier, though the men were not. The authors suggest that being empathetic to a partner's negative emotions may feel threatening to the relationship for men but not for women.

The findings also show that the more men and women try to be empathetic to their partner's feelings, the happier they are. The authors suggest that this research should encourage couples to better appreciate and communicate one another's efforts to be empathetic.

The American Psychological Association, in Washington, D.C., is the largest scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States and is the world's largest association of psychologists. APA's membership includes more than 154,000 researchers, educators, clinicians, consultants and students. Through its divisions in 54 subfields of psychology and affiliations with 60 state, territorial and Canadian provincial associations, APA works to advance psychology as a science, as a profession and as a means of promoting health, education and human welfare.

Saving Your Marriage – Two Things You Can Start Doing Today

Going through a hard time in your marriage? Are you looking for advice on saving a marriage because you just don't know what to do anymore? Rest assured that there are ways to save your marriage if both of you are willing to put in some effort in doing so. Sometimes they are harder than others - depending on where you marriage is at right now. But sometimes even the smallest changes can make a huge difference.

Some things you can start doing today to save your marriage

Start Showing Appreciation for Your Spouse

Do you appreciate the good things in your day? How about your spouse and the things they do for you? It's easy to get caught up in our days, and we forget to stop and take a look around at all the great things that are happening in our days - including the things our spouse does for us.

Ironically we are very quick to focus on, and point out, the things we don't appreciate in our spouse. The annoying way they never listen or how they always forget to do something we ask them to do. But we forget that they do other things for us.

So take some time to notice the good things your spouse does for you, and appreciate them. Even though you will feel better by just doing that, don't just keep that appreciation to yourself, but share it with your spouse and allow them to see that you appreciate them.

Start Communicating Better

I get it, you don't want to talk to your spouse or listen to your spouse in a calm manner and solve issues that you are having. You would rather fight, yell, scream, accuse, blame...or would you?

When you communicate in a manner that involves listening attentively, sharing your real emotions without ego involved, and ending the conversation feeling better than when you started you will notice an instantly improvement in your marriage.

In fact, if saving your marriage is really on the top of your list then you will start learning how to communicate better today as communication is the single most important part of healthy and happy marriages.

Without communicating properly you can have misunderstandings that cause arguments that don't need to be there. You can cause fights and create issues in the marriage that could have been avoided if you had just communicated properly.

Yes, it's that important!

So remember, if you want to save your marriage then there are things you can do. Complaining and whining are not part of those things. Start by showing your spouse appreciation and then follow by becoming a master communicator. Your marriage will thank you.

Tanning - Myths And Misconceptions

Also known as bronzing in colloquial terms, sun tanning involves the exposure of the skin to ultraviolet (UV) rays in order to darken it. A suntan can happen naturally, while sunbathing for instance, or by using artificial aids such as suntan lotions, pills or tanning beds.

Acquiring the perfect sun-kissed look is not easy and the process is further complicated by the number of myths that are commonly associated with it.

The following are a few tanning myths that need to be busted.

1. Sun protection is unnecessary on cloudy days
Most people firmly believe that clouds offer some sort of natural protection against tanning or sunburn. This belief has no basis because sunlight is made of UVA as well as UVB rays and clouds offer only partial protection against UVB rays, the main cause of sunburn and skin cancer. Besides, UVA rays are present even in cloudy weather, so it is necessary to get adequate protection from the sun.
2. A traditional suntan is more dangerous than tanning beds
One of the most prevalent misconceptions about suntan today is that getting one naturally can result in sunburn and/or skin cancer, while tanning beds are perfectly safe. This belief is based on the fact that UVA rays, which are considered to be safer than UVB rays, are used in tanning beds. The truth is that both kinds of radiation are equally dangerous for the skin.

3. Tanning is good for the skin
Many people believe that tanning offers protection from sunburn because it blocks UV rays from penetrating the skin and works as a natural barrier. In reality, tanned skin is defenseless against UV rays in the absence of an external protection layer. Tanned skin is nothing but darkened skin and is as susceptible to sunburn as any unprotected skin. Tanning is also often associated with good health but there is no scientific evidence to support this belief. Exposure to sunlight helps convert inactive Vitamin D in the body into active form. Vitamin D boosts immunity and prevents certain kinds of cancer. But only 10-15 minutes of daily exposure to the sun without sunscreen is enough for this. Tanning usually requires more time and increases the risk of getting skin cancer.

4. Sunburn is necessary for getting a suntan
Sunburn that fades away to reveal a perfect suntan is a myth that usually results in cases of severely burnt skin and very little else. Sunburn causes tremendous damage to the skin in the form of wrinkled, aged and rough skin. It can also cause freckles and blotches. While it is necessary to get the daily dose of Vitamin D, it is equally necessary to get adequate sun protection while doing so. UVA and UVB radiation should be avoided at all costs, even if a tanning bed is being used.
5. All skin types need the same time for getting a tan
There are various skin types, each has different requirements and needs to be handled differently. Getting a suntan is desirable but different skin types have different levels of tanning abilities within the same time frame. A particular type may require a few minutes to acquire that perfect bronzed look, while others may not be affected by hours in the sun. A few sensitive skin types may even come out in blotches or freckles instead of tanning evenly. For instance, olive skin is more susceptible to suntan while fair skin takes a much longer time to tan.

Exposure to the sun also raises the level of Vitamin D in the body. However, excessive exposure to sunlight has detrimental effects and has been conclusively proved to cause sunburn and more importantly, skin cancer. So be careful before you seek out that golden, sun-kissed look.


How to Attract Men

You would be surprised at how easy it is to attract men sexually if you give off the right body language and cues. Of course, it’s just as easy to turn a man off sexually if you give off the wrong body language and cues!

If you want to be able to attract men sexually instead of scaring them off then you have to be aware of the message you are sending to men. You have to be aware of how you walk, talk, act, and even what type of energy you give off to men.

Some Tips to Help You Attract Men Sexually

1. Let Them Be Men
Men like to be men in the relationship. They like to be able to do ‘man’ things like opening jars and reaching high up and opening the door for you. If you let them be men then they will feel that man/woman chemistry that brings about sexual attraction. The more manly they feel the more they will view you as a woman – a sexual woman.

2. Flaunt What You Got
Be confident in your female attributes and let guys know you are aware of your femininity. Your female body and female actions are what guys are going to be attracted to sexually after all! Show some cleavage, show some leg, and stick out your chest when you walk instead of sucking it in.

When guys think of sex they don’t think about how good you are at math, they think about what you will look like naked or how you will use what you’ve got in bed or what they will do to you in bed. They are picturing you in the bedroom, and you can help them along by letting them see your womanhood for all you are worth.

3. Be Suggestive
If you want to attract men sexually then you want them to think of you in the bedroom. You can do this by suggestively imitating actions that happen in the bedroom.

·         Lick your lips or suck on a lollipop to suggest oral sex.

·         Rock back and forth slightly to suggest the woman on top position.

·         Play with a pen or other long round object to suggest playing with his manhood.

·         Rub your neck or arm or face in a light and slow manner to suggest touch.

Use your imagination and you will find that there are many things you can do to suggest a sexual action. Men will have a hard time not thinking about sex during these suggestive actions!

Some Things to Avoid Doing When Trying To Attract Men

Just as there are actions that will attract men sexually there are also actions that will repel men sexually. These things include:

·         Making him feel bad about himself and ensuring he feels below you in character.

·         Making him feel like less of a man by belittling him or taking over his manly duties.

·         Being overwhelming with neediness or desperation towards him.

·         Being negative and rude to him or others around him.

·         Making fun of him in front of others.

·         Overflauting yourself as it sends a message of neediness.

If you want to attract men sexually it isn’t that hard. Just be confident in your feminine abilities, treat him right, and avoid making character mistakes that will scare him away.

Health Benefits of Magnesium

Magnesium is extremely necessary for your health as it is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Roughly 50% of total body magnesium is stored in our bones. The remaining part of magnesium is predominantly found in the cells of body tissues and organs. Only 1% of magnesium is available in blood, however human body always strives strongly to keep constant blood levels of magnesium.

Magnesium is needed to keep muscle and nerve functioning normal and heart beat rhythmic. It also helps to support a healthy immune system, and keeps bones strong. Magnesium also helps to regulate blood sugar levels, thereby promoting normal blood pressure and supports energy metabolism and protein synthesis. Magnesium has a positive effect on treatment of disorders such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and diabetes. Dietary magnesium gets absorbed in the small intestines and is excreted through the kidneys.

What are the sources of magnesium?
Natural sources of magnesium include sea vegetables, leafy vegetables such as spinach, and whole grains that are usually prime components of a person’s regular diet. Some other vegetables that can be considered as rich magnesium sources include tomatoes, beet greens, broad beans, lima beans, artichoke, sweet potatoes, buckwheat flour, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, wheat flour, oat bran, barley, cornmeal and chocolate. Also, you may consume dairy products such as milk and yoghurts and non-vegetarian products like fish to acquire magnesium. Whole wheat bread containing bran and germ has twice the magnesium content as compared to white bread. Water also contains magnesium content; hard water has more magnesium than soft water, though hard water is not good for the body, especially the kidney.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency 
The deficiency symptoms of magnesium include pain in neck and back, anxiety, fatigue, migraine attacks, muscle weakness and spasm, loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, insomnia, abnormal heart rhythms, diarrhea, muscle twitching and Raynaud’s spastic vessels.

When you are under stress, you tend to use up much of the bodily magnesium. One very common symptoms of magnesium deficiency is chocolate cravings, because chocolate is rich in magnesium. Magnesium deficiency can be clearly understood by diabetes, depression, and menopausal symptoms.

Health benefits of magnesium 
1. Maintaining bodily nerves, muscles and bones. It also helps in protein synthesis and cellular metabolism. Magnesium is vital for sustaining the normal heart beat and is used by doctors to treat irregularity heart rhythm. Other health benefits of magnesium are osteoporosis, eclamptic seizures, sugar level, asthma, diabetes, constipation, back pain and psychiatric disorders.

2. Medical and health specialists often highlight the importance of including adequate vitamin and mineral intake in our daily diet.

3. Magnesium is such an essential mineral that aids the human body to absorb calcium and plays an important role in formation and strengthening of teeth and bones.

4. Prevents Asthma - Chronic asthma patients may be able to normalize their breathing with help of magnesium supplements that aids in relaxing bronchial muscles and normalize breathing. Even wheezing and breathlessness can be relieved through administration of intravenous magnesium.

5. Keeps bone healthy - Magnesium is directly related to the bone density. Inadequacy of this mineral could be a cause of osteoporosis. Magnesium helps in regulation of calcium levels in the body along with vitamin D, copper, zinc etc. Magnesium along with calcium and Vitamin D should be taken throughout the growing up years and adulthood, since it eliminates the chances of developing osteoporosis in later years.

6. Essential during pregnancy - Magnesium is one of the vital elements during pregnancy. Proper intake of magnesium supplements during pregnancy is extremely beneficial for reducing osteoporosis risk and increasing the pain tolerance level, thereby resulting in a smooth delivery process and in optimization of blood pressure too. Magnesium sulfate is best treatment for preventing eclamptic seizures in expectant mothers who have hypertension.

7. Treats back pain and cramps - Magnesium helps treating people with severe backaches by relaxing back muscles, kidney stress and muscular tension. Magnesium also helps in absorption of calcium, which may lead to healing of the bones. Symptoms of cramps in leg as well as fatigue are normally visible due to magnesium deficiency. Proper intake of magnesium supplements acts as a cure for improving the leg cramp problem.

8. Prevents heart attack – Deficiency of magnesium results in heart diseases leading to fatal results. Deficiency of magnesium brings too many hazards for your heart. Magnesium protects the heart from irregular heartbeats and tenderly shields your heart from any damage. Magnesium actually calms the nerves and mediates digestive processes and prevents problems like vomiting, cramps, indigestion, abdominal pain, flatulence, and constipation.

9. Prevents constipation - Magnesium provides quick relief from constipated condition. High dosage of water soluble magnesium supplements is known to bring sound relief for severe constipated state. The laxative property of magnesium relaxes the intestinal muscles, thereby helping to establish a smoother rhythm while passing bowel. Magnesium also has another property of attracting water, which in turn softens the stool and helps it to pass easily.

10. Prevents diabetes and regulates sugar level - The health benefits of magnesium are contributed towards diabetic patients also, as this mineral helps to improve insulin reaction to blood sugar level. Magnesium supplements are vital for all diabetic patients as many suffer from magnesium deficiency. Magnesium aids in regulating blood sugar status, thus promoting normal blood pressure. Hypertension is one of the major reasons for an impending heart attack. People with high blood pressure usually have magnesium deficiency. Therefore, extra nutrients and mineral supplements with magnesium content are vital for them to avoid any medical complications.

11. Cures psychiatric disorders - Magnesium is known to cure worst forms of psychiatric dysfunctions such as panic attacks, stress, anxiety and undue agitations.

12. Cures migraine - Migraine attacks badly affect many Americans, especially, the female gender magnesium supplements and liquids considerably reduces the severity of such attacks and may also help in reducing the rate of recurrence.

13. Produces collagen - Magnesium is important for producing proteins that are slowly transformed into collagen. Collagens are naturally occurring proteins mostly found in fibrous tissues like tendon, ligament and skin. It is also present in cornea, bone, the gut, cartilage, blood vessels, and intervertebral disc.

Absorb minerals - Magnesium helps to absorb vital minerals and vitamins like sodium, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. Mineral absorption usually occurs within the small intestine and this benefit of magnesium ensures the detoxification of many harmful toxins in our body.

Activates enzymes - Magnesium also helps in boosting the energy production in the body and activation of enzymes to create cellular energy.

Controls bladder functions - Many women who have blabber problems and frequent urge to urinate may find relief by taking magnesium supplements. Urinating problems can come from varied reasons like nephritis, infections, or sometimes interstitial cystitis; however regular intake of magnesium can bring great relief to this ailment.

Dosage and side effects -

The importance of magnesium is not yet widespread and thus most people ignore magnesium consumption in their diets. Most of the dietitians recommend 250-350 mg per day of magnesium supplement for adults.

The side effects of magnesium is very rare, however too much of magnesium often leads to diarrhea. Most of the serious effects of excessive magnesium intake results because magnesium contains laxatives. However, if you have magnesium from the nutritional supplements, there are few chances of such side effects.  People with kidney disease should avoid taking magnesium supplements without talking to a doctor.

Eczema - Skin Moisturizer and Remedy

Skin rashes are common problems for children and adults alike. Things like bacteria, UV rays, stress, washing powders, and even strong winds can chafe and inflame skin. Yes, even anxiety can make your sensitive skin worse. The rash that you have on your legs necessitates a product that relieves the skin and tries to help stop future sensitive skin related issues.

People use moisturizers and pharmacy bought skin care treatments that occlude the skin to avoid water loss when burdened with dry skin. Your skin needs to be able to flush out toxins and chemicals in the form of perspiration and open pores. What a normal dry skin product does is stop the exit of water which can temporarily improve skins vigor by keeping water in but in the long term, it can lead to premature aging signs. Keeping too much moisture in can lead to the skin being heavy and sagging.

The word eczema is an umbrella term to describe a variety of inflammations including skin itching, dryness, scaling, cracking, and blistering. At some instance or another in everyone's lifetime, they will know firsthand the discomfort of eczema. An eczema treatment should concentrate on a few different aspects of the condition. It should alleviate the rash and remove the scaling or flaking lesions while doing the best to prevent future problems.

People once again use grocery storemoisturizers and face creams to heal eczema. We talked about earlier what a normal dry skin therapy cream can end up doing to your skin. When water can't escape, the skin stays moist which may appear beneficial but after a little while, the impurities become blocked under the skin and can turn into deep skin blisters. While trying to care for dry skin, you end up making the condition worse.

Natural Healing of Eczema, Dry Skin, Rosacea, Psoriasis, and Skin Rashes

There is a new all natural biological ingredient that can help your skin affliction without any harsh side effects like sagging or lesion development. You can, through topical usage, trigger the natural remodeling process of your own skin and shed old, dying cells and let new, clean ones emerge to give the skin a more vibrant appearance. This is the simplest way to naturally exfoliate your skin and treat rashes, eczema, and a variety of other conditions.

When applied to clean skin for a period of at least 2 months, the all natural skin care cream will help alleviate skin problems by:

* killing bacteria and microbes on the skin's surface and make it an unwelcome site for bacterial breeding grounds. Preventing bacterial development helps fend off future problems like skin cracking.

* moisturize and naturally hydrate the skin from the inside by retaining water within and bolster the ability of your body to produce the water holding structures in the skin matrix. Glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans give skin tenacity, flexibility and the ability to withstand pressure and over-stretching.

* digest blockages and damaged tissues while exciting the proliferation of new, healthy tissues. This is called skin rejuvenation and it is an important aspect of having clear skin.

* The balm contains rose hip oil, a natural source of both trans retinoic acid (Vitamin A) and important fatty acids that have curative, moisturizing and rejuvenating qualities. It aids cell renewal, boosts levels of collagen and elastin fibers, and helps to repair and restore dry, irritated skin back to health.


Breast Cancer - Metastatic Disease

Breast cancer is a metastatic disease as it can spread beyond the original organ. Bone, liver, lung and brain are the more common sites of metastasis and different symptoms occur in this stage.

Symptoms of Breast Cancer:

In a self-examining test, one can feel and see the following symptoms of breast cancer
Swelling or lump (mass) in the breast
Swelling in the armpit (lymph nodes)
Nipple discharge (clear or bloody)
Pain in the nipple
Inverted (retracted) nipple
Scaly or pitted skin on nipple
Persistent tenderness of the breast
Unusual breast pain or discomfort

Symptoms Seen On Breast Imaging:

The following symptoms are seen on breast imaging:
Microcalcifications in tight clusters
Dense mass with spiky outline
Symptoms of Advanced (Metastatic) Breast Cancer:

Metastatic breast cancer is the most advanced stage of breast cancer. In this stage, the cancer spreads beyond the breast and underarm lymph nodes into other parts of the body. The symptoms occur in this stage are

Bone pain (bone metastases)
Shortness of breath (lung metastases)
Drop in appetite (liver metastases)
Unintentional weight loss (liver metastases)
Headaches, neurological pain or weakness (could be brain metastases)

Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) and its Symptoms:

In inflammatory breast cancer, lump doesn’t appear and in this aggressive breast cancer, the cancer cells grow in sheets instead of lumps, and it gradually invades nearby skin, like a rash.

A sudden increase in mature breast size
Continuous Itching in the skin of the breast that is not reduced by pills or creams
A change in the breast skin color, resulting in pink, red, or dark-colored areas
Breast is excessively warm to the touch, or harder or firmer than usual
Unusual pain, which occurs out of the regular cycle
Sometimes a change in skin texture, similar to the skin of an orange
Breast skin ulcers

Our medical team will assist one to breast cancer treatments in India at Apollo Hospitals. One will get free consultation with cancer specialists as well no waiting periods under the guidance of our medical team. Besides, one can do medical treatments in India at an affordable price under the umbrella of our medical team.


Swedish Massage Relaxes Your Body And Soul

 EPQJ54BJE27H Massage therapy helps relieve the stress and tension of everyday living that can lead to disease and illness. It has proven beneficial for many chronic conditions including low back pain, arthritis, fatigue, high blood pressure, diabetes, infertility and depression, to name a few.

Well, for starters, Swedish massage actually refers to the various styles of muscle relaxation. It is characterized by applying firm but gentle pressure on the upper muscles press against the deeper muscles and bones. It was become one of the most popular massage therapies that individuals who are interested of learning can actually attend massage therapy schooling and specialize in this technique.

Swedish massage stimulates your central nervous system to sooth and calm your nerves. By doing so, it reduces stress and tension in both a physical and psychological sense. This is why Swedish massage is often recommended as an important part of a stress management program for people who are otherwise naturally predisposed to suffering from elevated stress levels.

Your body's nervous system is responsible for sending, receiving and carrying nerve impulses around your body. It is the main control unit in your body and these nerve impulses allow your organs and muscles to work efficiently. Swedish Massage is notable as an "overall body" massage. Other massages (such as the ones offered at our spa) tend to focus on more specific parts of the body. For instance, a Reflexology massage focuses exclusively on the feet, hands and ears. A deep tissue massage focuses on the muscles more deeply than would be appropriate in a Swedish Massage.

As beneficial as massage can be, it's not for everyone. If you have any fractures, infections, active cancer, orthopaedic conditions, or skin problems, you need to recover first before having a massage. Consult your therapist. And just how often should you have a Swedish Massage and experience its benefits? As often as you can afford it!


Ombre Hair Highlight Technique

The first hot trend that seems to be sticking around from last year is the "Ombre" or "Balayage" highlight technique. What does "Ombre" mean? Well, this is a French term meaning shaded or shading. Ombre hair color technique is when the hair starts at a dark color at the roots and gradually gets lighter at the ends. This is an exaggerated style meant to mimic the natural way hair color fades as it grows out due to exposure. This hair color technique is also referred to as "Balayage" which another French term is meaning to sweep. This is used because the color is applied in a technique where it is brushed on by the stylist is a non structured process.

This highlight process has been adopted and made popular by celebrities like Drew Barrymore, Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, Rachel Billson, Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lopez, Sarah Jessica Parker, Giselle Bunchen, just to name a few. The great quality about this highlight style is that it's not going to look exactly the same on every person. This process can be customized and tailored to comply with the color and style of the client's hair. There are so many variations that almost anything is possible. The client is only limited by the creativity of the stylist. In their defense, hair stylists are some of the most creative people/ artists!

The Ombre color process is also great for clients who are too busy to come in every six weeks for a root touch up because maintenance is low. The style leaves some room for re-growth so it is not noticeable if the client goes two or three months before a service.

Be adventurous this year and have a little fun with your style. After all, it's only hair color! It's fun, flirty and fashionable but not permanent so go for it!


Discovering The Best Body Lotion

The skin is among the most important parts of the human body. It serves as the first line of protection of the body from the harmful elements in the environment. It holds the rest of the body in, and is the primary defense of the body. It is also the skin that composes most of the physical look of a person, so it is also important that it is taken cared of. To keep it healthy and beautiful would mean keeping the body safe and attractive as well.

Taking care of the skin is not that hard. Staying away from accidents to avoid wounds and bruises is the most basic thing to do in taking care of it. Preventing any breakage in the skin is helping the body's first line of defense to be strengthened. Doing so would prevent harmful microorganisms from getting into the body through the skin. This will also keep the skin looking clear and flawless.

Keeping the skin beautiful and healthy will not just make a person attractive; it will also make them protected. Keeping it soft and smooth is fairly easy. Nutritious food and adequate sleep always helps, as well as lots of fluid intake to keep it hydrated. The everyday use of skin care products also helps to maintain its suppleness and its health. There are hundreds of brands and ranges of skin care products to choose from. Creams, gels, bath soaps, body washes, and body lotions are among the commonly used products on the skin. Choosing the best body lotion or product would depend on the condition of the skin.

For the sensitive parts of the skin, like that on the face, there are also special products intended for it, since the skin is delicate compared to the rest of the body. Creams and serums that have anti-aging formulas are usually used do they can keep their face younger-looking. The clinical range has the IS Clinical Youth Eye Complex that helps to combat the signs of aging at a cellular level. It brightens, hydrates, and smooths the skin with the use of antioxidants.

With all the products available to use in taking care of the skin, people really do not have a reason why they will just take it for granted. Caring for the skin will also mean taking care of the whole body.

Brazilian Wax

Having a Brazilian wax is not difficult and most women who have it are delighted with the results as are their partners!

So how does it differ from a bikini wax?

Quite simply, with the Brazilian wax hair is removed from the front, back & everything in between.

Most of the time a small 'landing strip' is left at the front, but many women go for everything removed.

Before having a Brazilian bikini wax, consider trying a standard bikini wax which will remove the hair from your bikini line or the full bikini which will remove most of your pubic hair but will not go near the most sensitive areas.

Keep in mind a Brazilian bikini wax removes most or all of the pubic hair, so if you are unsure if you really want one opt for this method first


Brazilian bikini waxes have been very popular since the 90's. Brazilian waxing was introduced to New York in 1987 by a group of Brazilian-born sisters, who gave it its name.

These Brazilian women were not however the first that removed their pubic hair.

Women have been removing their pubic hair for thousands of years and the trend started in ancient Egypt!

Women in the Middle East have also used Brazilian waxing since ancient times and look usually was achieved just before their wedding for the purpose of displaying purity.

If you are having a Brazilian wax done then its best to get it done professionally and if you are unsure of having one done try a bikini wax first.

A professional Brazilian wax is relatively cheap, the process takes around 30 minutes and then you have your new look.

Here's How:

1. Because you only need about a quarter-inch of hair for the wax to grab onto, your waxer will start by trimming your pubic hair to the right length.

2. The best waxers are quick, which cuts down on discomfort to the patient.

3. The waxer will dip a waxing stick into a pot of hot wax & then spread it onto the area to be waxed.

The waxer will then apply a cloth strip over the warm wax, pressing firmly so the cloth, hair and wax stick together. When the wax has cooled down, the waxer will pull the strip off, in the opposite direction of your hair growth and remove the hair by the roots.

4. Waxing usually starts at the front and moves towards the back.

5. Once the waxing is over, the waxer will spread soothing lotion onto the area.

That’s it! You now have your Brazilian wax and your new look in around 30 minutes

Brazilian Waxing and pain

The procedure of the Brazilian wax (like any waxing) can be painful at first, but a frequent visit usually cuts down the pain factor as your body adjusts.

As for the embarrassment that some women feel, it is actually know different to a typical visit to your gynecologist's and remember, they have seen it all before its their job.

The downside of a Brazilian wax: 

1. You can’t do it just once!

2. While waxing lasts up to 3 or 4 weeks, the hair will eventually grow back and you will then need another treatment.

3. Hair has to be a certain length before it can waxed properly and you might experience red bumps or ingrown hairs after the treatment.

4. The above downsides are fairly minor and most women once they have tried the procedure continue with waxing.

5. The Brazilian Bikini wax is here to stay and is not as difficult, expensive or as hard to do as many women think. Keep in mind getting a Brazilian wax is not expensive and it’s a good idea to have it professionally done.


Yoga position - Improve your fertility

Exercise is very important generally but especially so when we are trying to conceive. Provided that exercises are moderate and not overly strenuous, we can experience many health benefits. Exercise also makes you feel good because of the release of endorphins.

Exercise is most important if we are obese, because obesity can cause insulin resistance which in turn inhibits ovulation. Exercising half an hour, three times a week can help improve fertility. However, it is important not to overdo it because this can reduce fertility rather than increase it.

Yoga is a perfect form of exercise for women who are trying to conceive for several reasons:

1. It is a gentle form of exercise. Unlike rigorous exercises, you feel rejuvenated instead of exhausted after a good session.

2. Pranayama, the art of breathing control, which is part of the yoga practice, is deeply relaxing. Yoga reduces stress and anxiety by relaxing tight muscles and reducing the release cortisol, a stress-related hormone.

3. Yoga helps the body to detoxify and promotes general well-being.It helps your body to heal itself.

4. Yoga increases blood supply to the reproductive organs. It strengthens the muscles in the reproductive area.

5. Yoga is especially beneficial for conception if done together with your partner to promote a peaceful and deep relationship.

6. Yoga can correct hormonal imbalance.

7. It promotes mental and emotional health. The quiet time to yourself will help you to control your negative thoughts and find deep inner peace. For some, yoga is not just a physical exercise but also a spiritual exercise.

8. Some yoga positions have been recommended for women who are trying to get pregnant. These positions should be done after intercourse to help keep sperm inside the vaginal canal for a longer time. Especially recommended is the "Legs Up On The Wall" pose. This pose involves lying down near the wall and putting your legs up against the wall. Support your buttocks with some pillows if needed.

Although it is not impossible to learn yoga from books or videos, it is much more effective to join a class. This is because your instructor can correct your poses if necessary and this is especially beneficial for beginners.

For more information on how to get pregnant naturally without drugs or surgery

Sexy Tattoos For Girls

You might want to get a sexy tattoo on the back of your neck, girls, but there are things to consider when deciding on a tattoo in a highly visible and sensitive area like the back of your neck. Besides the pain of getting a tattoo so close to your spine and skull, back of the neck tattoos are either difficult or impossible to cover up depending on their location.

Tattoos on the back of the neck aren't as popular as tattoos somewhere else on the body like the belly button, lower back, or even shoulder, but the neck tattoo has its own dedicated fan base due to its originality.

One of the sexiest areas to get a tattoo is on the back of the neck, since the nape carries a special place as one of the most seductive areas of the body that most people are unaware of. The majority of guys are attracted to the back of the neck and nape area in a way they can't really explain and a tattoo on the lower area of the neck, behind the ear, or right under your hair line intensifies that.

Neck tattoos in general are a type of tattoo that catches a lot of bad attention from others, though tattoos on the back of the neck of girls aren't so unacceptable in the eyes of most. On the side of the neck, or somehow the front of the neck, are seen as a bit of a taboo and not a lot of people want to commit themselves to a tattoo like that for the rest of their lives.

The choices of designs for the back of the neck are about as varied as anywhere else, as the majority of back of the neck tattoos for girls are just small versions of tattoos designed for another area of the body. However, butterflies, stars, dragonflies, and zodiac symbols are all very popular in the case of back of the neck tattoos. Zodiac symbols are even seen as a little classy when on the back of the neck, and they look beautiful.


Keep in mind that any tattoo is permanent and will be on your body for the rest of your life. Back of the neck tattoos are especially hard to cover up because of their location and if you end up working in a formal setting then putting up your hair or cutting it short is nearly impossible to do. Most workplaces do now allow visible tattoos, no matter how well done or pretty they are. What's more is if you get a tattoo near the back of your ears there is almost no way to cover it up. Take careful consideration before committing your body to a back of the neck tattoo. They may look great, but every rose has its thorn.


Benefits of Bath Salts

Throughout civilization, salt has been considered a valuable product. It has been used as a religious symbol, a taxable commodity, a preservative, and a currency. Salts high in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and zinc, often used for bathing purposes, are called bath salts.

The most common is Epsom salt, rich in magnesium sulfate. During a bath, these salts are absorbed through the skin, drawing out the toxins and relaxing muscles, and leaving behind a calm and tranquil experience.

Mixed with essential oils from herbs, bath salts can provide benefits associated with aromatherapy, such as inducing calmness and promoting relaxation, and ensuring a sound and restful sleep at night. They come in a variety of colors, scents and textures.

Bath salts are also well known for other benefits, such as reducing tenderness, easing stiff and sore muscles, improving circulation, and aiding in exfoliation. They help by opening pores in the skin, cleansing dirt and other toxins in the process. Some better-quality salts are known to improve the appearance of scars on the body.

Since bath salts are known to relieve stiffness and reduce tenderness, they are advised for patients suffering from arthritis, back pains, muscle spasms and minor sports and work injuries. They help in easing small pestering conditions, such as minor rashes, insect bites, and calluses on our feet. Bigger conditions, such as eczema and psoriasis, are also said to be cured through the regular use of bath salts.

Bath salts are easy to make, beautiful to look at in fancy glass jars, and make excellent presents. They can be mixed with relaxing ingredients, powdered milk, and scents or essential oils to suit your needs. Bath salts can be used separately or in combinations to create your own unique enriching experience, for health or similar purposes.


6 Key Points to be learned to Make Love

Before we start discussing the points, it is very important to understand that 100% participation and complete devotion of the partners, better mutual understanding, desire for passionate love making and readiness to take initiative in the game of love are the prerequisites.

There are situations when one partner has to lead and let the other partner keep his/her desires burning, failing to understand this will cost in early ending of your passion packed activity. Also please take care not to eat more at dinner, because it affects your active participation in love making. Foreplay, knowing the peak point of one’s partner, leading alternatively, use of different sex positions and some more are the key points to be learned about before thinking about having night long sex.

1.While making love, we forget about our past and feel absolutely no worries of our future; everything freezes to time and we live in the very moment. But unfortunately for some people; love making do not last longer and they are not able to enjoy every bit of it.

2.Some of those fears and nervousness could be from the fear of rejection but some also has to do with the fact that your might feel like it needs to be really special and memorable.

3.The most obvious and common way is to have a very nice meal together. Make sure it is romantic. The setting is very important here as you should use candles, soft music and romantic lighting. You should try and cook yourself but if not, you can always order food from his favourite restuarant.

4.Do you and your man have a special spot that you share? It could be the place you met or where you went on your first date. This special place could even be an amusement park or where your favorite team plays.
You should arrange a visit to that special place together and take a walk or spend some time together. When you know and feel the timing is right, tell him how much you enjoy his company and that you love him.

5.Life does not usually turn out like the movies. The stuff you see in movies rarely happens so it is important to not get too pressurized with expectations. You man might not even be expecting you to tell him that you love him.

6.Use of different sex positions has its own importance in sexual intercourse activity. There are different sex positions which allow both the partners choose the way they want to enjoy their time. Some positions allow both the partners keep showering love on the other partner for longer time without shooting up early. Both the partners can use different sex positions during one intercourse.


The Benefits of Healthy Love Life

That we live in what can seem like an oversexed society is difficult to dispute given the extensive, sometimes exploitative media attention given to sexiness and having sex. While the list provided here by no means describes every helpful aspect of sex, it will hopefully inspire those who read it to have the healthiest sex life possible. Benefits of a healthy love life include:

1. Better Relationships
Oxytocin, which is often referred to as the bonding hormone, is best known for its increase during breastfeeding and is thought to enhance the bond between mothers and their babies. It turns out that levels of this hormone also increase during intimate acts between adults. This is apparently true whether the hormone is generated by having sex, hugging, or other relationship enhancing behaviors. It therefore enhances bonding between everyone from to friends, parent and child or adults, whether in a heterosexual or homosexual relationship.

2. Lower Stress Levels
As increased levels of oxytocin, as are generated by sexual activity, tend to decrease anxiety and pain sensations, stress levels associated with anxiety and pain have also been found to fall as a result.

Healthy Love Life

3. Better Self-Perception of Feeling Healthy
Since lower levels of cortisol (considered a stress hormone) and higher levels of oxytocin are associated with higher feelings of well-being, it stands to reason that activities like sexual intercourse that enhance those changes make people feel better, no matter what their life is otherwise like.

4. Lower Blood Pressure and Fewer Strokes
Sexual activity has been found to increase the level of oxytocin, particularly in women. That in turn seems to lessen how strongly the body reacts to stress. Among other things, oxytocin decreases how narrowed blood vessels become in reaction to stress, thereby decreasing blood pressure andstrokes that can be caused by high blood pressure.

5. Improved Functioning of the Immune System
The negative effects that excessive stress can have on the immune system are well understood. Having sex on a regular basis decreases stress, and adds to its credibility as an booster to the body's ability to fight infection.

6. Less Often Cognitively Disabled With Age
The aerobic exercise involved in having sex can help slow aging of the brain, helping to prevent everything from mild cognitive impairment (MCI) to full blown dementia.

7. Less Physically Disabled With Age
Even for individuals who are already disabled, those with a more active sex life seem to be less likely to suffer further disability as they age when living with a spouse, compared to already disabled persons with a less satisfying sex life.

8. Fewer Heart Attacks
The lower reaction to stress that is associated with higher oxytocin levels translates into lower risk of heart attacks.

9. Lower Risk of Certain Cancers
Men who ejaculate more often have been found to have a lower risk ofprostate cancer.

10. Longer Life
Studies have found that overall health is positively associated with being interested in having sex, engaging in sexual activity, and the quality thereof in persons in middle age and beyond. The reverse seems to be true as well, in that poor health is associated with having low interest, frequency, and quality of sex.
The take home point about the health benefits of sex is to be safe, have fun, and know that it is good for your health throughout your life.


Fruits And Vegetables Juicing

Some people will go to a local juice bar, but others will just make their favorite juice in their own kitchen. But no matter where they go, people are finding out about the fun and healthy way of getting their fruits and vegetables, by juicing.

Nutrition guidelines urge people to consume between five to nine servings of fruit and vegetables each day, but finding ways to consume them can be difficult. But preparing and consuming juicing makes it possible to make fruits and vegetables a regular part of a daily diet.

Consuming fruit and vegetable juices give your body good sources of essential nutrients. Grapefruit and oranges are examples of foods rich in Vitamin C. Beta carotene, a form of vitamin A, can be found in carrot juice and vitamin E can be found in green fruits. Also, because juicing removes the indigestible fiber, the nutrients can be absorbed into the body in much larger quantities than if consuming raw fruits or vegetables. Absorption of nutrients into the blood stream happens within a half hour of drinking the juice from fresh vegetables.

Juicing also supplies the body with high levels of phytochemicals. These nutrients are the ones that many scientists credit with helping to fight cancer. Wheatgrass and green juice contain chlorophyll, a chemical similar to hemoglobin. They both are part of the process of transporting oxygen around the bloodstream.

In addition, the juices of fruits and veggies are rich in enzymes that cooking destroys. These enzymes may boost the immune system and stimulate healing qualities in the body. In addition, some people practice detoxification with a juice concoction.

In addition, the juices derived from fruits and veggies furnish the water your body needs. Most people do not consume enough water each day and instead drink coffee, soft drinks and alcohol contain substances that take water away from the body. Fruit and vegetables juices contain water, not any unneeded ingredients.

Though people drink more fruit juices than vegetable juices, more are realizing the added benefit of vegetable juices over fruit juices, since they do not heighten insulin levels. If you want a low sugar drink that has many nutrients and tastes great, you need to get into juicing with fresh fruits and vegetables. You can add some grapes to your vegetable juice to help you acquire a taste for it.

An increasing number of people are embracing juicing as a way of assisting them to lose weight.  It is a great means of ensuring that you're still getting all of the necessary vitamins and nutrients from fresh produce if you're managing your food intake.

Together with a fitness regime, it's really a great way to reduce weight. Why not try it?


The best way to understand a female discharge

It doesn't always mean that there is something wrong or you have an infection if you're having a female discharge. I know it can be alarming if you have never had one before.

A clear thin discharge is perfectly normal before and after you menstrual cycle. This discharge may last a few days and then clear up on its own.

We can identify two completely different types of infections through your female discharge. These very common infections are a yeast and a bacterial, each one has a different color and odor.

A light white almost clear to a thick bright white discharge with the consistency of cottage cheese is a candida infection. This should have very little to no odor and be quite itchy around the vagina. It is the most common symptom of a yeast infection.

This type of female discharge is really easy to clear up the symptoms. However you should take care to make sure you have killed all the candida in your system to insure you won't get one again. These types of yeast infections are very frustrating to keep dealing with and even though some over the counter medications will clear the symptoms fast they don't cure the root of the problem.

A word to the wise a yeast infection can be sexual transmitted between you and your partner. Yep, you guessed it I found that out the hard way. Me and my husband were had no idea that could happen. So I gave it to him and cured myself only to have him give it right back to me. Men generally don't have symptoms of a yeast infection and just carry it. Of course the was before i knew the real trick to just kill all the candida in your entire body. The funny thing is it's so simple with the right program and I was working so hard for a cure before. I just never knew.

If you are having a light yellow to a dark yellow brownish color discharge with more of a liquid texture and a bad odor then you have bacterial vaginosis. A bacterial infection may have light itchiness but the odor is the embarrassing symptom here. The easiest way to tell a bacterial infection in bye the odor and the off white color.

The easiest mistake I see made with a bacterial infection is treating it like a yeast infection. You just cannot cure bacterial vaginosis with a yeast infection cure, it won't work. Bacterial vaginosis is very common and can be cured form the privact of your own home, you just have to use the right method.

Now bacterial vaginosis is not spread easily through sexual intercourse like a yeast infection might. However it can cause a multitude of problems for you, especially if you are pregnant. So I would suggest you get this cleared up as soon as possible and besides it's really easy to cure if you just follow the right steps. There is no sense in having this any longer now that you know what it is.


Protect Skin From The Sun And Harmful Chemicals With Green People Natural Sun Creams

As the weather starts to warm up again Green People are urging people to start to think about sun protection. There is no better way to protect adult or child skin from the sun’s harmful rays than by using organic and natural sun cream, and Green People’s range of natural sun creams make protecting your skin from both the sun and nasty chemicals easier than ever before.

This product-winning No Scent Sun Lotion SPF25 is a water resistant organic sun lotion that offers broad spectrum UVA & UVB protection with antioxidants and vitamins A, C & E to help support the skin’s immune system and protect against cell damage. Made without essential oils, this sun lotion is perfect for sensitive skin and those prone to eczema and prickly heat. The No Scent organic sun cream is available in travel-size or a family tube (£17.95 for 200ml or £9.95 for 50ml).

Organic Children’s Sun Lotion SPF25 (£15.95 for 150ml) has won a prestigious beauty award from Natural Health Magazine and a Green Living ‘BEST in test’ Recommendation! Green Living is a Norwegian organisation set up to ensure that it will be easier for the consumer to make environmentally friendly choices in everyday life. They checked the contents of the 12 types of sun cream for children available on the Norwegian market.

The products were ranked and evaluated based on potential health and environmental hazards on the basis of content declared and measured. Green People’s children’s natural sun cream is made without Parabens, artificial perfumes, petrochemicals or colourants for the purest and most natural children’s sun cream available. Several of the other sun lotions for children however, were found to contain potentially allergy-causing, hormone-disrupting and environmentally harmful substances.

Another popular sun cream by Green People is the Sun Lotion SPF15 with tan accelerator, which contains Carob Tree Extract to naturally stimulate your own Melanin. This natural ingredient speeds up the tanning process by 25% and reduces tan-fade rates by almost 50% (£17.95 for 200ml).

Green People is proud to offer one of the only natural and organic suncare ranges in the UK. All of our products provide unbeatable cover for radiant skin and high performance using effective natural ingredients. Ingredients such as the mineral Titanium Dioxide, Cinnamic acid (from cinnamon oil) and Edelweiss extract naturally defend against UVA & UVB rays, offering effective, broad spectrum protection.

Other ingredients in our organic sun cream range include:

• Avocado oil, which is rich in fatty acids and Vitamins A, C & E. These plump the skin and help to prevent wrinkles, while also deeply nourishing the skin. They protect against free radical damage and work with the natural sun filters to increase your protection.
• Green Tea, Olive and Rosemary Oils which offer natural antioxidants to help support the skin’s immune system and protect against cell damage, and helping to avoid premature ageing too.
• Berry Wax which offers natural water resistant properties without pore blocking.

Charlotte Vøhtz, founder of Green People, said:
“Reconsider what goes on and in your body. By adopting a more organic lifestyle you will soon begin to feel, and see a real difference”.


Urban Style Reflected with Hugo Boss perfumes

Contemporary bottles and feel-good fragrances is what Hugo Boss perfumes depict. Every few days a new fragrance is launched and there is countless number of shoppers who Buy perfume online every few days. As the men and women of the modern world demand more strong scents with a resemblance to their ambitions Lacoste or Issey Miyake perfume is a good purchase.
Find out more the bestseller among perfumes in the market, the embodiment of passion right here . Although it began in Stuttgart, Germany in 1923, Hugo Boss merchandise rules the market till today. The first perfume was first released in 1993 and the business has been growing since then.

Young and the professionals alike, Hugo boss perfume are loved just like its other products like shoes, clothes, branded items, accessories and the fragrances. You can consider it as a good time to look at the spring summer collection and different launches of Hugo Boss perfumed items. You will like the cologne, oils and special concoctions apart from skin care items and the new released products in the market.

Be ready to get the best items in stores for the apt price, you will also be able to buy perfume online for the selection. It is possible to get good deals on perfume brands, cologne and skin care products if you are a big Hugo boss fan. There are other fragrances like Lacoste perfume to choose from.

Apart from brand promotions, the knowledgeable clients do make wise decisions on buying the eco friendly products, items that are worth the value and can be used over long time for their good quality. More numbers of clients are into buying Burberry perfume for the expert concoctions and strong fragrances for men and women alike.

You can determine the gifts and different offers available during the purchase of perfumes. The latest Boss perfume you picked will be good enough. You can come to the web store and check out different alternatives available right here. There are about 100 different perfumes you can choose from this year.

The new fragrance and ingredients used for making the perfumes will just be more classic, fashion conscious and forward that can be influenced by some of the special European scents. Make the most of your resources when you buy perfume online.

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Vegetables Diet

Few people are interested in diet by eating raw vegetables, because vegetable diet are less likely to have a delicious taste, so most people tend to ignore it. most people prefer cooked vegetables, because they have a more delicious flavor. although we know that cooked vegetables will reduce the nutrients that exist in vegetables.

If you include people who refuse to vegetable diet, then you need to change your mind because it is based on research that is not processed vegetables have higher nutrient content than processed vegetables. vegetables or processed foods commonly used chemicals and preservatives, refined processes that will reduce the nutritional value.

While raw vegetables diet have vitamin and mineral content is high, raw vegetables rich in vitamins A, B complex C and E. Vegetables also contain lots of calcium and potassium. Vitamin A is good for the skin and increase immunity to disease. B-Complex is excellent for the production of red blood cells, Vitamin C is useful for the production of collagen. minerals, potassium helps regulate blood pressure, and calcium is necessary for our bones.

Other benefits of vegetable diet is rich in vegetable fiber, which is beneficial for reducing blood cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease is also useful for preventing constipation.

More information on Diet Tips

The Difference Between Having Sex VS Making Love

Some people might argue that there’s no difference between make love and having sex– physically, they are the same. But emotionally, passionately, and mentally, the two deeds are very different.

1. The First Time.
The first time you make love with your partner, it’s usually a very special moment. It’s often planned out in advance, especially in new relationships. There’s often sensual foreplay, and your bodies fit together perfectly.

If it’s your first time with a new partner and you’re just having sex, it may be spontaneous. Your partner may not be your boyfriend, or even your crush, and the decision to go all the way is frequently a hormonal (thanks, booze!) impulse. First time sex can be sloppy and awkward as you try to find the right position, and after everything’s said and done, it feels like there was something missing.

2. Your BAC.
Have you heard of drunken sex?, If anyone has experienced the urban legend of wasted love-making, I’d love to hear about it.

3. The Setting.
If you’re about to copulate in a dim room filled with candles, on a bed covered with rose petals, you’re probably going to make love. If you’re going to do it in the backseat of a car, an airplane bathroom, an elevator, or another compact space that may have legal repercussions attached, it’s sex.

Al fresco sex/love-making is a grey area. Sure, sex on the beach or in the woods may sound like a fairy tale scenario, but dirt in sand in uncomfortable places can ruin the romance.

4. The Soundtrack.
Lovemaking songs include “The Fear You Won’t Fall” by Joshua Radin or “Wild Horses” by the Rolling Stones (or any cover version, including Mazzy Star, Jewel, or the Sundays). F*cking songs range from “Crazy Bitch” by Buckcherry to “Every Girl” by Lil’ Wayne. Do you really want to ride someone when the words “You f— so good I’m on top of it” blare from the stereo? Likewise, “Birthday Sex” by Jeremih is a bit tacky.

Sure, there isn’t always music playing when you’re doing it, but if you could have picked a song to illustrate last night’s mood, which would you pick?

5. The Aftermath.
Lovemaking includes mutual orgasms, followed by spooning and cuddling. If you’re in a relationship, your boyfriend’s post-sex behavior could include promptly rolling over and falling asleep, or the phrase “That was great,” despite the fact that you didn’t get off. If you’re single, you’ll take the walk of shame after a long night of sex.
In those rare occasions that you’ve made love to someone without commitment, it could turn into breakfast in the morning, a few more rounds, and maybe even a new relationship.

It’s far more common to have sex than to make love. However, this means that when you do find yourself both emotionally and physically stimulated with a partner you care for very deeply, you appreciate the art of lovemaking so much more than that one-night stand a few months ago with whatshisname.